How Our Systemic Social Structure Has Been Eroding Our Human Civilisation?
This amazing video by Jacque Fresco earnestly and systemically describes all there is to understand about our current global systemic...
Melt Down to Yourself
This music is about how we can melt down to ourselves and rediscover ourselves within this world. I trust you would like the way I tell...
Lonely World
Storytelling Song - by Hamid Soltani
Unworkable Social Conditioning - The Root Cause of Our Modern Human Sufferings.
A great video and a reminder of how our social systemic influences are shaping our lives. Firstly we need to become aware of such subtle...
Shine Your Light and Make it Bright
Storytelling Song - by Hamid Soltani
Do we choose to live in a cruel and ignorant world? Is it possible for us to consciously change the
Time has come for us to re-evaluate the fabric of our social structure and urgently correct our fragile and declined civilisation. To...
Do we understand the consequences of our decisions?
Do we really understand the dynamics and the causal forces in our world and our surroundings, the ones that collectively sustain us daily...
Be Systemically Useful all the Time.
Don’t get bug down by trying to find big answers, just be systemically useful all the time. It is hard for us to know the intention of...
Hypnotic Thought Control
An Amazing video for those of you like questioning things and a very confronting one for those who don't like to know.
Change Your Mind - Change Your Life Workshop
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