We Are on The Threshold of Mass Social Awakening – We Deserve Much More.
There is a great opportunity for the humanity to ascend united in spirit and action to create a world of peace, abundance and justice. We...
Consciousness Without Brain Activity
This is a fascinating excerpt of Bruce Greyson, MD, PhD, from the panel discussion "Beyond the Brain: The Experiential Implications of...
The Amazing Power of Hypnosis in Pain Management
This is truly an excellent video for those of you interested to know how hypnosis can help your deeper issues in simple and yet effective...
Your Health & Wellbeing is based on what you think and believe.
We owe it to ourselves to clean up our inner negative beliefs and views in order to create and maintain our health and general wellbeing...
Does anybody really care about Human Rights?
Does anybody really care about Human Rights of the vulnerable people of this world? Do you honestly care? If we genuinely care about...
How Our Systemic Social Structure Has Been Eroding Our Human Civilisation?
This amazing video by Jacque Fresco earnestly and systemically describes all there is to understand about our current global systemic...
Melt Down to Yourself
This music is about how we can melt down to ourselves and rediscover ourselves within this world. I trust you would like the way I tell...